Monday, March 22, 2010

Sometimes You Just Know...

My wife and I played dominoes with our friends Arnott & Jennifer last night.  That fact alone has nothing to do with this writing; however, while we were playing it came to a point in the game where we had to keep drawing a domino until we got the right one.  There was a lone domino off by itself and I made the comment…”this is the one right here”.  I turned it over and the revelation that I was correct made me feel like I was clairvoyant or something.  You know how it is sometimes when you feel like you just “know”?  Now the truth is that I had probably guessed before and got it wrong…but the last time was definitely my most certain claim.

Sometimes we just know.  We know that someone isn’t telling us the truth.  We know what the outcome of a situation will be.  We know what someone will say before they say it.  We know the next song before it starts playing on the radio.  The person we are thinking about happens to call at that precise moment.  I can’t explain it but I am certain that these phenomena have happened on more than one occasion to every child and adult.  I don’t think it all that strange or spooky when you think about it though.  With the thousands and millions of thoughts occurring within our mind everyday….how could we not have this happen occasionally?

Today’s passage in 1 Corinthians 2:9-13 is about discovering God’s plan and action within our individual lives as well as what He is doing in the world around us.  Our physical senses can’t pick up on such things and teaching can’t convey it to our hearts and minds.  All we can do is stand on the Scriptures as God has been pleased to reveal them to us. My friend Rick is always quick to point out the necessity for being in the Word of God for this very reason. 

As Christ-followers, we are not guided by worldly principals.  We aren’t solely directed by what our five senses can perceive and by what our minds can understand.  We are guided by the Spirit living within us who knows the mind of God.  Are we in tune with the distinct person of the Holy Spirit?  Do we give heed to what He impresses upon us even when it doesn’t make sense to us?  Most importantly…do we know Him as is only possible by what He has revealed to our own hearts?

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